Friday, January 4, 2008

Kevin Greening - Radio Rewind

The Radio Rewind site is a splendid guide to Radios 1 and 2, and has a feature on Kev. An email to the site reminded me of its existence, and it's worth nipping across if you've not been there before. In addition to some info on Kev's time at Radio 1, there are also some sound clips from 1995 that will keep you entertained.

Radio Rewind page on Kevin Greening

Events in the news continue rumbling along, with some publications choosing to run with rumours and speculation. The Daily Mail did what only the Mail could do, and took a merry jig all over Kevin's still-warm corpse in a piece published tomorrow (5th Jan.) The BBC News site is taking a far more calm approach and sticking with the facts as they emerge. This is a link to the most recent update, as of Friday 4th January.

BBC News - RE: Police Appeal

I'll be trawling through some more audio in the next couple of days and should have some more of the surreal adverts pretty soon. Have uncovered a selection of Xfm stuff, including more of the breakfast cover, one show from his first week at Xfm, covering for Jon Kennedy and even some of his brief stint at Heart 106.2. Sadly, nothing from the vintage years as yet, and so I put the development of this site in the hands of its readers. If you've anything to offer, please get in touch via

One of Kev's programmes for the Travel Channel is available as part of their 'Video on Demand' service, although it would seem they expect people to pay for this. Which, naturally, seems a little unrealistic. Should you be interested, this is here.

Oh, and not quite deserving of its own post is this clip which can be found on YouTube, of American band Hanson visiting the Kevin and Zoe Breakfast Show in the winter of 1997. 'Mmmbop' was one of Kev's 'Prove Me Wrong' songs, whereby he'd say a record would sink without trace, only with more words and sounding considerably more articulate than I can manage, only to finish the link with the phrase, 'Prove Me Wrong'. Think of it as a 'record of the week' with a bit of wit attached.

I'll always remember reading an interview with Hanson about whether or not they liked the UK. One of them replied with something along the lines of, "yeah, it's cool. They actually speak English there too. It's always nice to be able to communicate."

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