It dawned on me this morning, that it's now a year since the news broke about Kev's death. The previously mentioned bits and bobs from his time at Smooth and Xfm will be on this site eventually. It's been a busy few months, so my apologies for the delay. That said, there's still some sizeable chunks from the golden years available to download from this site that are worth multiple listens. If you happen upon any links that aren't working, please let me know via the email address on the right. Should you happen to have Kev audio not on this site, please get in touch using the same method.
Finally, cheers to those of you who have already contributed to this blog. Clearly, there's not a huge amount of Kev audio out there, but it seems important to keep a corner of the interweb dedicated to the work of one of the very best.
A Happy New Year to all of the readers of this blog.
Finally, cheers to those of you who have already contributed to this blog. Clearly, there's not a huge amount of Kev audio out there, but it seems important to keep a corner of the interweb dedicated to the work of one of the very best.
A Happy New Year to all of the readers of this blog.